On Physical Health, Emotional Fortitude, and Writing

Currently Listening to: Entropy – End of Silence (feat. Alexa Ray)

I watched the sunrise for the first time in a few years this morning.

The darkest part of night before the dawn. The way the sky turns black-blue and deepens in color. The shadows that grow darker, stiller, and then start to fade as the sun peeks over the horizon. The sky is dyed with a pale purple this morning shot through with golden clouds. It’s a moment of silence before the crows in my neighborhood start their morning. As of the time I write this (5:52am Pacific Standard Time), the sun is also blessing me with a direct shot into my face/eyes as it rises between two trees.

Thank you, sunlight, I appreciate you.

Continue reading On Physical Health, Emotional Fortitude, and Writing

Happy New Year + Updates

One of these days, I will be able to write an update post once per week as I’ve intended to since starting this blog. This is not that day and has not been since October when I posted this initially.

Oh well, Happy belated 2020!

Continue reading Happy New Year + Updates

Mental Health, Writing, and Bleed

Good Morning, Everyone,

Happy Monday to you all! It’s beautiful outside and is going to be 81 F (27 C) today. Spring, my favorite season, is here and everything is going pretty well at the moment.

Finding time to write during the work week, as I’ve mentioned in a past blog post or two, can be difficult. I’m in front of a computer screen all day and utilize it a lot, so when it comes time for breaks and/or lunches… I don’t really want to stay attached to it and hit my word count for the day.

Continue reading Mental Health, Writing, and Bleed